Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Using Corporate uniforms as promotional clothing

When it comes to deciding on which is the best corporate uniform for the employees of the company, it is often left to the organization to set up its own set of rules and guidelines for defining the best dress code for itself. So, corporate uniforms are difficult to be perceived as promotional clothing. However, there are certain industry segments which make use of standard clothing as work uniform. The companies dealing in the promotional items business see these industry segments as the potential clients since the uniform designs, styles and fabrics are not changed over the years. Even if the corporate uniforms are unique for every type of organization, these are not changed each year.
Therefore, companies and brands make use of these opportunities to promote themselves. For example, the hospital uniforms are standard and the same need to be made as per the defined parameters. At the same time, the hospitals can put their own logos and names on these clothing to showcase their brands.

So, what difference does the corporate uniform make? This is not just a piece of clothing which is expected to be worn while at work. It serves many other purposes. For the visitors coming to the office of the company, this shows that the employees are dedicated and loyal to the company. It shows that the employees have a marked respect for the organization for which they are working. Secondly, it also helps to make employees integrate more into the fabric of the organization culture and accept its ethos. If the employees are willing to wear the uniforms gladly, it means that they hold the organization in high esteem. It also works to uplift their morale and motivates them to improve their productivity levels.

Some of the organizations or their departments which do some highly specialized type of work might also require work uniforms to be made of some special fabrics to provide better protection and ease of work. These types of special clothing may not be available as promotional clothing from the general companies. However, the manufacturers of these special fabrics and clothing can use these as promotional clothing to spread out the word about themselves and their products or services. What most of the online or other real life companies provide as promotional corporate uniform is made from the easy-to-get fabric. These are not the special fabrics. These could be the cottons or any other natural fabrics.

Just how stringent are the company policies on these matters will differ from one organization to another. This is determined by what type of corporate image it wants to establish and also on what are the requirements of the different works that it does? The choice has to done with care and it is not only the fabrics but also the colour combinations, style, printed or embroidered logos, help provided in the facilitation of work and a number of other considerations which need to be kept in mind.  

1 comment:

  1. I personally like the idea of corporate uniforms It ensures that all employees are dressed to corporate standards without having judgement or taste involved.
