Saturday, 23 April 2011

The most common types of business shirts

It is quite common to find the organizations prescribing dress code for their employees. Sometimes, this is quite an open-ended choice given to them to decide whatever they want to wear, within the broad guidelines or prescriptions. Sometimes, the code is a lot more stringent, to the extent that the formal business wear can be labeled as uniforms. Well, the organizations, wary of their image that they wanted to project to the others required employees to wear formal clothing, instead of the casual wear that people wear at home. Business shirts were worn along with the trousers to make them feel more at work and to be at their toes.

The most common colours of business shirts that got to be prevalent were the whites and the blues with their varying shades like sky blue, navy blue, grey, dark grey etc. These colours became synonymous with the formal business wear colours. This was true for men as well as for women. The same trend of the colours continues even today. Whenever there is a talk of the business shirts, the choice of colours often comes down to white and blue and shades thereof, preferably on the more somber side.

The fabric used could be man-made or natural. To make it more comfortable clothing to wear while work, most of the time it is the natural fabrics like cottons which are used for making this wear. This is just the opposite of the sports wear products which are made mostly from synthetic fabrics and in vibrant colours.

The business shirts are made plain, with checks or even with stripes. There could be some other patterns of weaves which might be acceptable as formal wear products but most of the times it is these that are widely prevalent. The only general consideration is that these shall be somber without much of style going into. The lapel, pockets, cufflinks and buttons, all shall be simple and shall not be catchy. These business shirts can also be used as promotional products by making the logo of the company by printing or embroidery.

The organizations also pay attention to the fit of the formal wear on the employees. Most of them prefer the comfort fit but it shall look smart and chic. It shall gel well with the organization brand. Also, by wearing the same, the person shall be more psychologically inclined to work with full dedication and focus.

Sometimes organization may themselves prescribe different types or colour of clothing for different levels of employees, but most often the difference is in the colours rather than the type or nature of clothing. Given that it is quite commonplace to wear the formal business shirts in organizations, the job seekers do take care to dress up formally while going for interview in an organization. You can get these online since there are many providers of the same online. Wearing these will make you feel more at work and less at leisure.